Watch the Video:

Listen to the Audios:


Aletta de Wal
Artist Advisor & Art Marketing Strategist







Fabienne Bismuth
3-D Artist






Huguette May
2-D Artist





Read Their Stories:

Aletta de Wal
Fabienne Bismuth
Huguette May

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Press Release:

Health Crisis Inspired Former Banking Executive to Establish New Career Helping Artists Grow Their Business

Los Altos, Ca. October 5th, 2010- 

Aletta de Wal’s art crashed in 4th grade. She collided with her art teacher who said she was drawing her favorite tree ”the wrong way.” It put her imagination on hold. “After that my only art was paint by numbers so I could be sure to get it right,” said Aletta.

She did the sensible thing - went to school and got on with her life. At age 40, two strokes intervened in her success. Instead of climbing the ladder in corporate banking, she learned to walk and talk again.

An art class called “Drawing for Absolute Beginners” changed the course of her life. Art became part of the healing. As Aletta’s creative talents returned, she resolved to make art the core of her life. During the day, she coached executives to be more creative. Nights and weekends, she made art, taught art workshops and sold her own art and the work of other artists.

Aletta now devotes her full attention to being an Artist Advisor at Artist Career Training. “It’s the perfect way to share my skills as an artist, educator and entrepreneur. I feel like I’m finally doing what I was meant to do. I help fine artists make more money so they can get back to making more art.”

For information on one-to-one consultations, online programs, and live events, please visit