Watch the Video:

Listen to the Audios:


Aletta de Wal
Artist Advisor & Art Marketing Strategist







Fabienne Bismuth
3-D Artist






Huguette May
2-D Artist





Read Their Stories:

Aletta de Wal
Fabienne Bismuth
Huguette May

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Do you want to make a better living making art and still have a life?

New Here? First, welcome and thanks for stopping by.

Who am I?

I’m Aletta de Wal, M.Ed. - equal parts artist, educator and entrepreneur. I’m the Artist Advisor here at Artist Career Training, and the first Certified Visual Coach for artists.

I guide fine artists to make a better living making art through personal consultations, professionally designed educational programs and practical independent study products.

Over 4,000 artists have taken group classes and independent study programs and I’ve personally worked with over 450 artists at all career stages.

Thank you for being you... A misfit , a leader, a teacher, a fighter, a genius, and much more. Your presence and story drives me to believe and seek to be all I can be! T.E., Painter


What do we do here?

Since 1996, Artist Career Training has been helping beginner, emerging, mid-career and seasoned artists who want to:

  • Stop believing myths about what it takes to be an artist
  • Stop wasting time, money and energy trying out advice that worked for other artists but not for them
  • Get clear on where to go next and how to get there
  • Market art without selling out or betting the farm
  • Establish systems and routines to simplify boring but necessary business tasks
  • Meet or exceed personal goals and deadlines consistently

If you want to choose the resources that match what you want to change in your art business:

  1. Make a list of what you want to improve in your art making abilities, art business skills or art marketing activities.
  2. Compare your list to the self-assessments for career stages on pages 35 - 40. You can purchase the book here:
  3. Once you've determined where you fit and what you want to work on, we can have a free brief conversation about the coaching package that works best.  
Then, the fastest way to get your questions answered is to send an email to Aletta at artistcareertraining dot com.


Will you have to give up sleep and all of your studio time?

As a working artist, I understand there is a fine balance to making art and handling your art business. I juggle my work here, a family, my own art, writing a book and music lessons and practice. So, while your list may be different, I get it when artists tell me this can all be overwhelming.

An art business does not have to be a horrible experience. With a little creativity and clarity, art marketing can be gratifying.

You don't have to leave your creative self behind to get your work in front of collectors, gallery dealers and art reps. Once you learn a few shortcuts, marketing your art is easier. If it's easier, it's more enjoyable.

Most of it is common sense. I'll help you make it common practice.

For some artists, it can be a daunting task simply to decide what to learn, how to find it, and what to do with it once they have it!:

"My art pursuits have been full of fitful starts, periods of focus on one or two elements, then another leap forward. It's kind of like a diet, where you get to a plateau and have to move through that level before making further progress. Not only have you provided guidance through the basic steps in marketing and answers to many specific questions, but the regularity has kept me focused on my career goals. To say nothing of actually verbalizing what those goals are! Artist Career Training has given me the confidence to take many more steps than I would have considered a year ago." Patty Cunningham.

Are you ready to explore your options?

Whether you are new to the art business, have some experience or have been at this for a while, tell me what results you want. I will personally design a path that fits your goals, time, energy and budget.

I invite you to nourish your art career, spice up your art marketing and slim down the "busyness"!

Watch this video or follow the links to select the best combination for your appetite, resources and time.

Let us help you learn to take charge of your career, simplify your business and multiply your results. Bottom-line: No drivel here ~ just friendly, focused information to let you get back to making art.

ACT now!